@samy youssef,
Finally I did it, it works with Hanoi Tower puzzle, this puzzle for those who never heard of is to move a number of rings different in size(diameters) from say a beginning peg to a final peg with the aid of an aux peg, conditions: move one ring at a time, and never put a big ring over a smaller one :
pleased if someone try it and say any improving suggestions as how to make
this code move the rings actually, I mean with images
function Hanoi_puzzle()
alert('Thank God it worked!');
var i=prompt('Enter a number',0);
if (isNaN(i) || i>10) // stack overflow might occur if otherwise
alert('Wrong Entry');
i=Math.round(i); // to round up the number if entered as float
var myPuzzle = function Hanoi_Tower(fromPeg,toPeg,auxPeg,n)
if (n==1) {
document.write('Move ring no.1 form Peg '+ fromPeg + ' to Peg ' + toPeg);
document.write('<br />');
else {
Hanoi_Tower(fromPeg,auxPeg , toPeg,n-1);
document.write('Move ring no.' + n + ' from Peg ' + fromPeg + ' to Peg ' + toPeg);
document.write('<br />');
Hanoi_Tower(auxPeg,toPeg ,fromPeg,n-1);
var x = Math.pow(2,i);
var moves=x-1
alert('Total number of Rings are: ' + i + ' Total Moves = ' + moves);
document.write('Total umber of Rings are: ' + i + ' Total Moves = ' + moves);
<button onclick =Hanoi_puzzle()>Hanoi Tower </button>