Sun 9 May, 2004 03:02 pm
Hi, i've just recently written the words and music to a song called 'Don't Worry', just thought i'd show you the words and see if you think they are any good.
Small voice in a crowd,
I wish somebody would listen,
Don't Worry,
I'm sure your too busy
I need you, but you exploit,
You don't let me speak you don't give me a voice,
Don't Worry,
I'm not your concern.
You give me some money to help my cause,
But you demand it back you demand more and more,
Don't Worry,
I'm not as powerful as you
Don't Worry, Don't Worry, Don't Worry about me,
Don't Worry, Don't Worry, it's only a third world country.
Unfair but you agree,
You take from the poor, from those in need,
Don't Worry, there not your concern
Do you realise you play with there lives,
But it's only statistics you can't look in their eyes,
Don't Worry, cause there not as powerful as you.
Don't Worry, Don't Worry, Don't Worry about me,
Don't Worry, Don't Worry, it's only a third world country. x2
I'll soon be dead cus you didn't help me
but it doesn't really matter it's just a third world country
Don't worry cus i'll soon be dead
and I won't hit the conscience that is in your head
Don't Worry, Don't Worry, Don't Worry about me,
Don't Worry, Don't Worry, it's only a third world country. x2
Copyright Ian Hoare 2004
Hi, it's an interesting perspective. Just so you know though, original writing goes in the original writing forum.....ohh and welcome to a2k!!!