@Randy Dandy,
Randy Dandy wrote:I have been out of school over 30 years.
So why are you doing this? Why does it matter? Where did you say you have been out of school 30 years?
You can do it this way:
You know that the customer asked for F feet and I inches but actually got I feet and F inches.
F and I must be less than 12 (Can you see why?)
You could compare pairs of lengths like this until you found a received length that was 30% of the requested length. Easier if you convert the feet and inches to just inches at each step.
Requested, received
11 ft 10 inches, 10 ft 11 inches
11 ft 9 inches, 9 ft 11 inches
11 ft 8 inches, 8 ft 11 inches
(You can obviously skip lengths where ft/ins are the same, such as 8 ft 8 inches)