Fri 4 Apr, 2014 06:33 am
There's been much talk recently about EU losing Ukraine. It's not true actually. Ukraine has long been one big lottery scam for European business, I am sure. And our investors and entrepreneurs leaving Ukrainian markets presently are doing rightly. Their activities there is just waste of time, effort and money in absence of sane non-corrupted politicians in Kiev.
There are some really wild things occurring in Ukraine. Polish garment manufacturer made up his mind to launch number of businesses not far from Lviv. Fancy, he failed 'course Ukrainian officials put it bluntly that they wouldn't get in touch with the "hooknoses" on Polish part!! They had the nerve to demand some new negotiators! It's beyond me just! And what EU membership for Ukraine can we talk of now? I suspect it'll take Ukraine hell of time yet to come to civilized norms now making the foundation of EU construction.
And how do you treat the statement of the new regime in Kiev that transfer to EU technical requirements will cost no less than 160 bln euro? They are fooling us trying to exempt more money from the EU. We've invested huge sums in to Ukraine already with no visible results so far! The money has been mostly tapped into pockets of top officials there!