InfraBlue wrote:
Jews and Catholics and "other undesirables"? I thought Catholics and "other undesirables" were Gentiles.
It took me awhile to understand your inference. Many Gentiles might think that Jews consider Gentiles as "undesirables." That is the conclusion of those Gentiles perhaps that do not meet the standards of many Jews, in my opinion. Meaning that Jews, like other folks, like to associate with those in their social class, education, etc., so many Gentiles feel snubbed, I guess, when a Jew is not ready to be his/her buddy, just because the Gentile is friendly.
It doesn't necessarily come down to clannishness, since many groups are "clannish." It just comes down to wanting to associate with those that relate with similar education, interests, and social class. And, the fact is that many upscale Gentiles are picky, as to who they associate with. The result is that Jews, by default, get to often associate with their own. Remember, being Jewish is not often considered a social attraction. And, even in Israel, Jews often associate with those of similar background.
But, many Gentiles may not realize this, since the "popular culture" likes to make Jews pejoratively different. So, Gentiles often don't really think that Jews prefer those with similar backgrounds; many might just think Jews are clannish (or have that superiority complex thing). I think the same thing about all other ethnic groups, not to mention WASP's.
But, if you think Jews are not friendly, or have some other pejorative trait, just think, they have not asked for their Old Testament back, nor the Ten Commandments, nor monotheism. You see, Gentiles have been doing a good imitation of Jews, yet still consider Jews quite different. Well, study the bellcurve, and you might understand better, the position of many "average" Jews that know that half the bellcurve reflects "below average." Why must Jews pander to half the bellcurve? And, it might just be part of the secular Jewish culture to put an inordinate amount of importance on "intelligence." Just like upper-class WASP's, many Asians, Hindus, etc., etc.