Thu 27 Feb, 2014 12:41 pm
My dell Inspiron N5010 is not letting me connect to any networks and it is also not picking up any it also won't let me use my iPhone personal hotspot which it normally does it was working about 3 hours ago perfectly. The wifi switch is enabled
reboot. reboot router too.
plug it into the router with the ethernet cable
and what about wireless routers?
Do what we do in the UK and phone the call centre in India, wait for ten minutes until you get to the correct department, and then get told to reboot, and/or turn everything off for ten seconds.
Turned the laptop off rebooted restarted the wireless router twice tht works fine laptop still don't connect
Done all that it's wireless router restarted it and the laptop wireless thing is enabled not to sure what else to do as I need it in a few hours