Thu 22 Apr, 2004 04:08 pm
Just heard Jez Lowe on the radio. I've always been a little in love with him.
Are there musicians you've always been a little in love with?
Yeppers that would be John Lennon and Waylon Jennings. Can I have two loves in the music world?
Lisa Loeb. When I saw her video 'Stay', and the subject of the song. . .well. . .
Funny. . . Alanis Moressett did the same to me with 'You Ought to Know'.
Maybe I'm just a sucker for a broken-hearted woman.
I used to have a real crush on Paul McCartney...but then again, a lot of girls did!
I think Pat Monahan, lead singer of Train is so HOT!!!
Twenty years ago I felt the same way about Rick Springfield.
The nice thing about being in love with a musician is you can be sweet on as many as you want! It's all between you and your radio anyway.
Yeah, I've been in love totally with more than one musician over time. It's nice to examine our changing, or maybe not so changing responses to music. Sometimes, we love a current artist because there is something of another artist in him (her).
My avatar tells the story.
Joan Baez
Judy Collins
Peggy Lee
Lena Horne
Billie Holiday.
Every word in her songs has a (personal) meaning to me.
Nancy Sinatra....those boots...hoo yeah!