Reply Sun 22 Dec, 2013 01:54 pm
Nigeria: At least 205 Christians Killed by Muslims, foreign jihad influence growing

Muslim attacks killed 1,000 Christians in Central African Republic

Video: Islam’s war with the West

And what ever you do,do not take the 3minutes and 28 seconds it takes to watch this video.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 1,301 • Replies: 11
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Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2013 12:14 am
If anything, you people are predictable.
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Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2013 02:25 am
This should not be ignored. All atrocities of this magnitude should be exposed, regardless of who the perpetrators may happen to be. In the name of humanity, politics should be set aside in these matters.
Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2013 11:46 am
This should not be ignored.

As you can see it is. No one wants to call Muslims(devout ones) haters. They would rather call the people aware of Islams agenda haters.

That clearly is not the case. Everything points to the doctrine and intentions of Islam. Not only the scripture but the actions and deaths of innocents. The majority being Muslims, themselves.

And in host countries we see open sedition and do nothing but insult the people that point it out. The time for excuses is long past and it is time for a reckoning and answers at least from Muslims living in countries where they can speak freely.
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Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2013 12:18 pm
Muslims Disembowel Young Christian Boy

I found out that Miracle Ishaya [2 years old, killed in the attack] had his intestines spilled on his bed as he was shot in his stomach … I was also told by relatives that the Muslim gunmen who attacked our home were eight, and that they wore military camouflage and bullet- proof vests.

No hate there.
Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2013 07:05 pm
Does the asshole that put that "Hate Fest" tag on this thread have the guts to show me any hate besides Islams hate for human life and choices in these comments?

Whoever you are defending Islam by calling someone a hater who points out hateful, religiously sanctioned acts you are a coward. tell me why islams constant atrocities should not be known.

Whoever you are you are a disgrace and a fool.
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Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2013 11:43 pm
Question: Are Saudi Arabia and Iran shining examples of socially enlightened societies? I remember the 1971 war on the country that is now known as Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan). West Pakistani soldiers conducted a rape campaign against the girls and young women of Bangladesh. (Incidentally, the Nixon administration sided with these aggressors and rapists, much to our shame; but hypocritcally condemned India for intervening.) Ask yourself this question: How do you think the rape victims were treated in their Muslim society? How are rape victims treated in Muslim countries today? I remember in about the mid-1970s when Gloria Steinem criticized the way Saudi women were being treated, and rightly so. Now hardly anyone seems to care. What happened to bring about this change? Oh, I know the answer. . . . It's just politics. Neutral Sad

I've also noticed there is little room in national politics for independent people. Both "progressives" and conservatives have their own narrow, dogmatic party lines that must be upheld without the slightest deviation. No wonder I have no party affiliation.

Sadly, online political exchanges don't seem to accomplish anything. Sure, everybody gets to express their opinions; but no minds are ever changed. At least it seems to me that that's the way it is. Yes, I've succumbed to the temptation to post in other political topics. I should exercise greater will power from now on.
Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2013 11:50 pm
Why should your post be thumbed down simply because you're calling attention to an utterly heinous atrocity? Answer: Politics. Sad
Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2013 11:54 pm

Sadly, online political exchanges don't seem to accomplish anything. Sure, everybody gets to express their opinions; but no minds are ever changed.

Minds have been changed. But if no one here has the guts to discuss the real problem it won't happen. And as you have seen there are still trolls from another forum tagging my threads. That is because I did change several minds there.

Of course those people were then shunned. I see cowardice and wanting to be cool as the main roadblocks to any real dialogue.
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Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2013 11:56 pm
Why should your post be thumbed down simply because you're calling attention to an utterly heinous atrocity? Answer: Politics. Sad

Not politics, popularity and fear.
Reply Tue 24 Dec, 2013 03:25 pm
You have a point.

The point I was making is that some A2K members will thumb down completely innocuous posts simply because they don't like the poster. Of course, I think this is quite petty.
Reply Tue 31 Dec, 2013 03:13 pm
The point I was making is that some A2K members will thumb down completely innocuous posts simply because they don't like the poster. Of course, I think this is quite petty.

When it comes to Islam it is all they have. Anyone who looks objectively at the facts cannot deny the danger and severity of Islam.

And far as the thumbs down it is like a child slamming the door when they are having a fit. Accomplishes nothing.

In fact I just got back from hiatus for an inappropriate remark, and a spot on description of someone on the forum. Didn't use PC.
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