Ceili wrote:
Seriously people. Beat a dead horse much. No wonder nobody new wants to join the party.
Do any of you have anything interesting to add?
Or do you want to continue, cause it's getting ******* old.
Here's a thought. Instead of jumping on the same point, how 'bout we discuss the idea, as a whole. Like, why do people insist on putting their petty phone calls/texts before the lives of the general public.
Not one of the admitted cell phone drivers were willing to debate the facts, so you jump all over an interaction. The cop may or may not being commiserative and was perhaps extolling his personal preference, regardless, do you agree with his assumption? That distracted drivers, namely those using cell phones, are akin to drunk driving? If not, why?
Why am I beating a dead horse, and repeating the same point?
Oh, I don't know, maybe because when I gave the succinct, correct answer, in a non rude manner, I got called a bitch, oh no, wait a moment I got called a ******* bitch. I'm at a point in life right now where I got absolutely nothing to lose, so if someone calls me a filthy name, there going to get it back, and I frankly don't care who it is.
If I'm going to be called a ******* bitch, I might as well live up to it. Especially when the person calling me that is quite frankly being quite stupid, and for all I know what writing this stuff while drunk. I figure she must be, because why else would she ignore the obvious?
There Ceili, that's my reason. If you feel it's getting ******* old (your words), then make your own decisions as to what to do about it.
To answer your question, there are times I akin cell phone usage to drunk driving, there are times I do not.
There is no black and white.