It is ONLY when one has a better experiential AWARENESS of the manual and autopilot consciousness states that one realises how very little time one CONSCIOUSLY spends in manual.
One exists in a SUBCONSCIOUS state all of the time even though there is still a “toggling” between states (manual/autopilot) one is not aware of it.This existence can be described as the 0,0 state....or autopilot/autopilot state.
It is only when one introduces CONTROL that things change.One must learn to take CONSCIOUS control of the mind.
Before one can take control one clearly needs to have KNOWLEDGE of and be persuaded by these 2 off different mind states.
It is ONLY when one is persuaded as a result of exercising experiential awareness (NOTICE what goes on in the mind) that one can shift consciousness states.This is a completely new process to the individual because one has never introduced this type of control before.
Introducing this CONTROL element means the individual has now transitioned to the 0,1...1,0 state.The individual is now learning to OPERATE in a more CONSCIOUS manual state rather than existing in a SUBCONSCIOUS autopilot state all of the time.
This transition takes time and practice but gets easier if one keeps trying to take control rather than relying on autopilot all of the time (effectively being controlled).
If one perseveres, one will become more and more CONSCIOUSLY familiar with AWARENESS....an awareness that is familiar with the 2 off consciousness types but is NOT those consciousness types.
One experiences the “toggling” consciousness effect as one takes control.One experiences/ notices the transitions backwards and forwards in/out of the consciousness types.