(sadly the number 1 threat against this cutey is the fossa...which I mentioned above. Now, I gotta ask, how could any one or any thing hurt something this cute?)
The Indri is a large species of Lemur found only on the secluded island of Madagascar. The Indri evolved in the same way as every other Lemur, from smaller individuals that came to the island from Africa around 50 million years ago. Due to the fact that there were no other primates to compete with, Lemurs soon adapted to live in a variety of habitats, producing a diverse range of different species. Locally, the Indri is known as the babakoto which means little father or ancestor of man. As the native people believe that the Indri (with it's lack of visible tail) resembles their ancestors, their is a certain taboo over consuming it, meaning that the Indri does receive some protection in parts of their native environments.