What is that you find perplexing about considering the obviously idiotic comment of a rabble-rouser from a perspective that might lead to insight or at least an interesting discussion?
I don't see that dalehileman has credited Becker with any wisdom, nor can this thread be seen as feeding a troll.
Becker made a outlandish provocative statement, which despite it's lack of substance caused dalehileman to consider and offer for discussion something of substance.
Would anyone now, if redeposited in Nazi Germany, be able to resist whatever influences that drove a nation to horrendous acts and near annihilation?
Was it something in the German character that led them to follow Hitler's mad course, or are we all capable of the same thing?
I won't say this is a particualry original question, but it's not frivilous.
I admit I'm not sure I follow his thinking on free will and determinism, but I will be interested to see if he expands on it.
As something of a side note I recently read of a study conducted wherein participants were shown a steady stream of slides concerning free will.
One group was shown slides which related that nueroscientists have proven that there is no such thing as free will and our every decision and action is pre-determined by our unconcious physical being.
The other group was shown slides which strongly presented the opposite position.
After the slide shows the participants were presented with an opportunity to cheat in rewarding themselves or to follow the designated rules.
Overwhelmingly those who were bombarded with the message that there is no free will cheated, while the others presented with the opposite message did not.
The originator of the study was quick to acknowledge that this test said very little if anything about whether free will exists, but strongly suggested that a properly functioning society needs it's members to think it does.