My mother is actually assisting from the other coast when she can but, not really much to do so far.
The little newletter I sent out Friday has yet to prove any information. Ah well.
I try to put up births and all that, hoping others will do the same-so far just me.

I was thinking of maybe doing a postcard to all the cousins, great aunts/uncles and those types and listing all the information to see if I could get some more peeps signed on. The more the merrier, Im sure.
Yeah, one great Aunt from each side has written out information for me to add-hard to get the elderly folks to get really computerized but, Ive updated all the information and offered to burn that all to CDs if they want, etc. Its a big job but, I figure the more people get involved, the less work it actually would be for me...since I would think they would add items and Id just check in and keep the peace

The skeleton thing is sounding interesting.
You know-like the Enquirer of the family--I bet someone would log in for that alone!