Tue 15 Oct, 2013 01:07 pm
The New York Times has reported that the new House Republican financial plan has collapsed under its own weight. They could not get enough votes from the Republican caucus to insure passage.
My suggestion to them:
First...stop digging. You guys are already deep enough.
Second...take yer medicine. You asked for take it.
Just read
this and found it very interesting. Boehner should read some history.
JPB wrote:
Just read
this and found it very interesting. Boehner should read some history.
At some point you would think they have shot themselves enough, JPB...
...but noooo.
New House plan coming out this afternoon. They're attaching it to an old CR bill so it can't be filibustered. Here's what I'm hearing...
New house GOP plan would extend CR to Dec 15 ,debt ceil to Feb 7 and no nixing med device tax and no income verification. Vitter amend is in in entirety which means anyone in Congress (and their staff) would have to pay the full cost of their insurance in the exchanges -- no employer benefit.
I also read that they plan on passing it today and leaving town immediately, but I don't know if that part is true.
edit - also doesn't call for a budget conference which most people think is key to avoid going through this all over again next time.
The idea is to force the Ds to vote against Vitter amendment so they can use it as a campaign weapon, or make the Senate decide to default over a health care benefit to the Congressional staff (approx 8,000 people).
Never mind.
Heritage (Jim Dimint's new gig) is going to key vote the bill and has told Rs to vote no because it doesn't kill obamacare.
Back to no plan in the House.