George Michael I think he is a great man and human being. from:
George Michael shuns music industry
Pop star George Michael is abandoning the music business to release his songs online for free instead.
The multi-millionaire singer said he will never make another album for sale in record shops because he does not need the cash and does not enjoy fame.
Fans will be given the option to make donations online in exchange for downloading the tracks, and the proceeds will be given to charity.
He is promoting his latest album, Patience, which he said is his last.
The 40-year-old star made his announcement during an interview with Jo Whiley on BBC Radio 1.
I'll hopefully be a happier man, giving my music and also doing something really positive with my music
George Michael
Speaking about his decision, he said: "I'm sure it's unprecedented, it's definitely unprecedented for someone who still sells records.
"I've been very well remunerated for my talents over the years so I really don't need the public's money."
He added that he hoped people downloading his music would donate to his favourite charities.
Check out his official website:
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