I have been using aol for 7 years. I hate the service but I love the ease of use, the way email is set up, etc. I am switching now to verizon dsl (I think) but hate their mail system. Is there a free or very cheap email site that will allow me to: forward my aol email to it, save all my sent and received emails, give me adequate space for writing emails, import my aol address book to the site, etc. i.e., what's out there that is set up most like aol mail? Thanks for responding.
I'm going to start a new post about verizon's e-mail - I hope you'll all follow and give me tips/suggestions...
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Sat 3 Apr, 2004 01:21 pm
Thanks for the ideas. I have tried yahoo but find the screen very busy w/ ads, popups *& got lots of spam. Has it changed? Tell me why you like yahoo/hotmail.
Just tried myway, but it takes me back to my aol account. Which has me very confused.
I'm Mac, too, if that makes a difference, and have only recently upgraded to OSX, so I'm still trying to get familiar with its features, i.e., simple is good right now.
Does anyone know anything about Eurdora?
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Sun 4 Apr, 2004 02:36 am
I like Yahoo because it has a lot of space. You're right about the spam though, which is the one thing I don't like about it. When I first bought a computer I started out with Yahoo and I suppose I stuck with it because I'm not big on change. I do have other email accounts including hotmail and mail.com, but I still prefer my yahoo.
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Turner 727
Mon 5 Apr, 2004 10:28 pm
AFAIK, Eudora is a POP3 email program like Outlook Express. I don't know what the Mac equivalent for OE is, but it's a basic email program.
I currently have accounts with AOL(2), Netscape, Yahoo(3), MSN, Mail.com, NetZero(2). There are others, I can't remember them.
Spam is only a problem if you let it be. I'm very dilligent about who I give my email addy to, and I have spam accounts for those I don't trust. My Yahoo is virtually spam free, and I've had it for 2.5 years now. My first AOL and my first Netzero account had a bunch of spam, but I eventually was able to knock it down quite a bit. MSN, Mail.com, and my other 'extra' accounts don't get passed out very much.
Just be careful who you give your email too, or be prepared to deal with a lot of spam.
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Tue 6 Apr, 2004 12:59 am
I have Mac and have thought of trying Eudora. I just have an old Outlook Express mail.
I have heard just about nothing good about aol.
My personal experience with Yahoo is that it was laughably difficult to read my mail...
apparently it has changed, as I went through yahoo to get my mail at a friends' house recently. Still difficult, relative to my ordinary Outlook Express, but not as laughable as it was.
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Tue 6 Apr, 2004 05:12 am
Myway is GREAT! I'm impressed and have to try it!
I didn't even know it existed.
Thank you Pheonix.
I'm getting rid of AOL too and was looking for something out there.
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Tue 6 Apr, 2004 09:36 am
MyWay used to be a pretty widespread portal/homepage used by lots of ISPs, but they got pretty much out of that a couple years ago. Recently, they've reincarnated themselves as a "Public Portal". MyWay is more or less a "Skin" overlayed on the Yahoo! template, with the benefit no banners or popups, which is cool. I've been using the new "My MyWay" as a homepage for a while now, customized as one long page with just about every "News" and "Finance" subsection they offer, along with the TV listings appropriate for my area. I like it much better than its Yahoo! progenitor, though there still are some by-paid-subscription features, such as real-time stock tracking, that remain specific to Yahoo!, so I keep my Yahoo! subscriptions as well and use Yahoo! for those features. MyWay mail also is built essentially on Yahoo's mail platform, and has a 6MB limit, all folders included, even junkmail and trash. It does offer polling of external POP3 accounts, such as an ISP-specific email account (myusername-@-myISPmail-dot-whatever), using the same proceedure employed by Yahoo! mail, which some folks will find handy. As far as I've noticed, though, MyWay doesn't offer upgraded mailbox capacity, but maybe they do and I've just overlooked it. I will say my MyWay mail gets no spam, but only I know its address, and I use it only to receive messages I forward to it from my other mail accounts ... stuff its good to save, like signup/username/password confirmations, online order receipts, and shipping notifications, and the like. I've found it handy to have that sort of stuff stored by itself in several places.
Anyway, as long as MyWay and Yahoo! continue to be freinds, and as far as I know, there's no friction between them right now, nor reason to expect any, MyWay is an excellent option for a freebie. Definitely a thumbs-up from me, for what that's worth.
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Tue 6 Apr, 2004 09:43 am
Outlook Express does it for me. It's free and there's no bells and whistles...I'm a simple man.
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Tue 6 Apr, 2004 10:24 am
Panzade, OE has to have someplace to go to get your email; it is just the email-handling app on your machine. Without configuring it with an email account, or accounts, to poll, it can't do a thing. An email account is ISP based, Web based, or located on a server on your corporate network. Its where your email address directs mail to. Once mail is in an account, OE can fetch it for you. When you send an email, OE routes it through your designated email account. That's all it does.
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Tue 6 Apr, 2004 11:46 am
I'm sorry: I assumed verizon was a DSL system and there was no need to pay for two.
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Turner 727
Tue 6 Apr, 2004 09:55 pm
Well, Verizon does have DSL service, and you pay for that service. Along with that service you get email accounts, anywhere from 3 to 7, depending on your ISP. If you were to dig around in the settings on Outlook Express, you'd see that it's attached to verizon to get your email. You're not paying for two, it's part of the service you pay for.
I used to use OE quite a bit. Netzero, RR, Hotmail and Yahoo all in the same app. Then Yahoo started charging for POP3 access, and I don't have RR anymore. I can't remember the last time I logged into it. The Hotmail & Netzero accounts were mostly spam, anyways.
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Fri 9 Apr, 2004 01:24 am
what I'd REALLY like --
Yes, Verizon does have its own email, but I'm not liking it. The message window is small, and it doesn't have some of the features I'm accustomed to on aol. AOL service is the pits -- tech support, such as it is, is in India, I'd get crashes/freezes/kicked off all the time. But I did love it's email system -- for one thing, I could save all my emails ... thousands of them. You can unsend messages to other aol members if they haven't been read. You have font choices, color choices, etc., and I just liked the layout and look of its OSX version. I spend a lot of time replying to emails, and an unattractive aesthetic can make the job seem that much worse.
I've signed up for several of those recommended here -- thanks -- and am trying them out. But what I would REALLY like to do is set up my own domain name thru the email server, if possible, or at least customize it somehow. I just don't like the idea of having prof'l mail go to a hotmail or yahoo address. Silly as that may sound. Domain name, ease of use, nice look, ability save megatons of email & preferably no ads & free! -- that's all I ask!
I hear good things about Eudora but when I went to configure it, it asked me lots of questions involving acronyms -- smpte, pop3, imap -- it's all greek to me. One thing you can say for aol -- it's very user friendly for us computer illiterates.
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Fri 9 Apr, 2004 01:27 am
Oh, and! looking for a way to transfer my exhaustive addres book on aol to the site, and forward my aol mail there till I close that account. Had problems with Return Path.
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Turner 727
Fri 9 Apr, 2004 01:29 am
Well, when I come across an acronym I'm unfamiliar with, I go over to www.acronymfinder.com and put it in there. A lot of them come out through there. In fact, I don't think I haven't found what I've been looking for. Sometimes you need to dig a bit, but the more popular ones are on top.
Pop3, while I don't remember what it stands for, has to do with using an external email client, such as Outlook Express being attached to Hotmail. I haven't hear of SMTPE, but SMTP is Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, which is a way emails are sent on networks. IMAP I should know but it escapes me right now.
Mail.com offers domain names, and I think Yahoo does too. Don't know how much it costs, but certainly check it out. Seems like you're already doing it.
I too use AOL, but I'm the opposite of you. I don't like thier email system. But I do like the way you can save it, and I have come to rely on it.
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Sat 10 Apr, 2004 01:36 am
Acronym finder says IMAP is Internet Message Access Protocol. Good to know but what does it mean and how does it relate to life as I know it?
Switching from Classic for OSX whiile at the same time switching from aol dial-up to Verizon dsl was biting off more than I can chew. I approach my computer with trepidation and trembling each morning. What will it throw at me this time? How'd you get so smart?
So -- I can register a domain name on any hosting service, yes? And then set up an email account w/ that domain name ... and then have that email transferred to another email account, like a Eudora or Outlook ... am I warm?