Fri 2 Aug, 2013 11:16 pm
Looking for the song that starts out,
"Dark brown is the river, golden is the sand.
It flows along forever, with trees on either hand, with trees on either hand.
It's a slower song
(words by Robert Louis Stevenson; tune of Stenka Razin)
Dark brown is the river, and golden is the sand;
It flows along forever with trees on either hand,
It flows along forever with trees on either hand.
Green leaves a-floating, castles of the foam,
Boats of mine a-boating, oh, when will all come home?
Boats of mine a-boating, oh, when will all come home?
Away goes the river, away past the mill,
Away down the valley, away past the hill,
Away down the valley, away past the hill.
Away down the river, a hundred miles or more,
Other little children will bring my boats a-shore,
Other little children will bring my boats a-shore.
(from miriam berg's folksong collection)
Ain't google wonderful?
Got the words, but the music wouldn't copy and paste. Google it and you'll get the cite with the musical notation too.