Thu 17 Oct, 2002 12:24 pm
Now, don't get upset. This is all meant in fun.
Here is a place for truly bizarre websites.
Please post (with minimal commentary) whatever you come across in your travels along the 'Net that seems a little, shall we say, off-kilter. Odd scientific theories and strange ideas about philosophy are great, but let's not limit it to that, okay?
And, this isn't the place for political theories you don't like. Rather, these are the sites that make you shake your head and say 'huh?'. Don't be offended if your site is listed. Heck, list mine, if you wish. Remember, if you don't like the game, you need not participate.
The 'tinfoil hat' refers to the headgear of choice for the truly out there. It's
said to keep the Alpha waves (or voices or radio signals from Sirius or whatever) out of the wearer's head.
Today's fun link is
Send a voodoo curse to someone! Nice to know everything's gone electronic.
PS Read the feedback section for some real howlers (Warning: offensive language).
Today's fun link is
It certainly meets all criteria for being weird.
Watch out if you open it at work, as it contains foul language (written) and bizarre music. Your cubicle mate will start to really wonder about you.
I'd like to try
sending a voodoo curse to myself just to see what it's all about!
Yeah, it's an ad, but it's pretty strange, particularly when you consider that it shows that Microsoft might actually have a sense of humor
i'll keep my eyes out for one. there's got to be LOTS out there!
Anyone ready to admit that Google is really the Fiend incarnate?
Perhaps this is apropos for Halloween
BTW that last link indicts google of "sins" that almost every single search engine that exists are also "guilty" of. It's a case of targeting the leader.
Oh Phoenix! You are such a fast learner with the Net and forum here! I just now clicked on your 'serendipity' link as above in this thread, and...
I was "surprised"....
Today's fun link
Pseudo-celebrity-spotting goes mainstream! Well, almost.
Happy Hallowe'en! :-D
Today's fun link is
- well, you'll just have to sing.
I'm too sexy for my website
too sexy for my url
too sexy
etc. etc.
Oh, yeah, the link! Here it is:
And - shudder - he was actually at my alma mater (fortunately, not while I was there)!
LOL, Jespah, that guy IS a prince -- he looks like a cross between the alleged artist formerly despised as Prince and Michael Jackson. Reminds me of riding the bus downtown once, and overhearing two middle-aged black men discussing popular musicians. One commented that Michael Jackson had left Gary Indiana as a black, teen-aged male, and arrived in Hollywood a white, middle-aged female . . .
Setanta, I once overheard two black kids talking about Michael Jackson recordings, and, when an oldie was mentioned, one of them asked, in all seriousness, "Was that made when he was black?"
I kid you not. True story.
Run your mouse over the image at this site page:
Happy day after Halloween (is it eerie enough for you?)
Hey, a follow-up to the story about the Hollywood sign on the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" Chiller forum -- Kenny Rogers was my friend Noel's next door neighbor at the house I mentioned.
Oh great! I was feeling kinda yucky anyway today and NOW, Lightwizard, you are responsible for an uncomfortable awareness of my_______
(teehee! If only the first couple lines show up in the abridged topic list (where you click on View Posts from the last 24 hours)...well, I wonder what would come to mind? LOL
Hey, that reminds me! No one commented on the Nightmare Before Christmas topic! I had such a great time surfing around the Net to look up links for that. Oh well, maybe I'll just slink back to the "I'll Swallow Your Soul" site.
(uh-oh! Now there is Another thing that will look odd to the browsing Able2Know members)
Cobalt, I looked at that post and followed the links (even noticed when you added the blog link). Didn't have much to say but that's cause I was checking out the links. ;-)
Really had trouble relocating this thread as it's falling way down on the general forum list (and nearly impossible to find with the heading links under the General tree). I don't know what the answer is -- I guess there's a link to threads one is involved in.
Anyway, it might bug someone!