Mon 24 Jun, 2013 02:15 pm
Try to brake this!
Theory Of Everything
Information, qubits, is all there is.
Information ,qubits, can form systems of information of multiple qubits that act like a single qubit for other higher systems of information
Information(qubits) shapes the systems of information and systems of information shapes the information
Information is governed by the power law
Space-time-energy-mass-gravity-complexity-entropy-all the forces everything, everything is information and systems of information
Universe has tendency to form higher/bigger systems of information (Entropy, systems reaches thermal equilibrium to for bigger systems of information with the same features ) And that’s all you need for gravity, that’s how information “clumps up” and forms the systems of information from massive amounts of information (like stars and planets moons asteroids comets nebulas everything the more you go to the centre of these objects the more information you’ll find) there is a point where that code that system of information becomes a qubit of higher information system, we have a black hole. Why? Because more and more information is born in the universe. How? You travel in space and time!
Systems of information can be connected where “smaller” one has a fundamental influence on the “bigger” one and other way around thus forming multi-level system of information.
The more possibility’s there are for “smaller” system of information to form/become a part of the “bigger” one the less likely it is to stay on its own or in the smaller system of information.
To become part of the bigger/higher systems of information, systems of information can first “decay” into smaller ones depending on the higher system of information they are in.
Complexity of information forms information systems of its own, it forms life. Life is abundant in the universe and life forms even higher systems of information called knowledge, we are those higher systems of information we are the knowledge.
That’s all you need! That is that one equation this one thing this holy grail of science and not only science all mankind! You don’t believe it? Let me explain the universe from structure of quarks, atoms matter to stars galaxies and dark flow not forgetting mass-gravity or space-time or entropy-complexity using only these 10 commandments and I think quite few of them are manifestation of the same thing!
I've got more on my site and will share it if allowed by the community.
Here. I'm presently braking your logic:
I can break it (as opposed to brake it
) by pointing out that the concept of "information" (defined as that that which decides between alternative states) generally implies "an anthropomorhic decider" or the human concept of an "entity / system making a decision". Hence qubits cannot be
all there is because there must be least such a decider as well. Your proposal is either indicative of an infinite regress or begs the question of an ultimate observer/decider which theists call "God".
Absurdity is also information that form systems of information called "9gag" and act together with other systems of information to get the rate of creation of new information steady. It what holds, what doesn't let us violate the laws of rate of creation of new information by dying more than we are allowed.
Is anyone else reading this and thinking..... WTF?