Phones: work, home (never used), cell
Email: several hundred accounts (literally, but they are wildcards that get received on less than 10 actual accounts to check, message rules then separate them all).
I own 32 or so domains, and each of them have many emails. So I get a crapload of emails a day (low day is @ 400, without filtering technology I'd not be able to handle it).
D'artagnan wrote:I lose in this sweepstakes: no cell phone!
Work and home phones, two or three emails, depending on how I count.
Not just you, I have no cell either!
Just a home number.
One home e-mail address I've had....gee, it will be 9 years this August! (Freenets are wonderful and very transportable.

Several Yahoo! e-mail I've had for several years (about 5 maybe? can't remember) as my "online persona" I use as an all-purpose sorta e-mail address...and another that I use mainly for registration purposes on internet sites. I used to have a lot more of the "free" web e-mails, but they fell by the wayside. Oh yeah. I forgot. I have one stinkin' hotmail address...ONLY for purposes of using Microsoft's messenger...'cause that's the only IM my Mom knows how to use and I would often chat with her on it.
I also have 3 GeoCities web pages. But they haven't been updated in ages and one I'm going to let fall by the wayside. I like how GeoCities used to be, before Yahoo!, when they had all these neat neighbourhoods. Like "The Tropics" "Paris" "Sunset Strip" and more. example --->
So anyhow....
phone - 1
e-mail - 5
Yes, having no cell phone is liberating, but I must admit that I sometimes rely on someone else having one at certain times. Such as last weekend, when I was visiting friends out of town, and we kept trying to connect with each other.
They can be useful little tools...
3 phone hm, cell, wrk
5 email 1 wrk, 1 'biz, not at work' 3 personal
1 tin-can connection line from my house to the neighbor's house *smile*
5 phone number
3 for work, one cell, and one home.
3 email use them all.
Hmm - 2 work phone numbers at present - possibly gonna have more - don't ask!
1 landline, and a brand new mobile which I keep for emergencies - I HATE phones - work, with its constant totally unpredictable crises has left me phobic about them, as did a stalker.
I have the same email addy I started with 3 and a half years ago - one other - which I always forget about so they close it at Yahoo - and that is it.
One phone number -- but it's got ten digits!
Two email addresses: the academic one, and the one I use to organize Canadian Liberation Front activities. (Okay, mainly it's midnight curling and cheese-curd eating contests, but we're working on it.)
pssssst......the beaver has swum.
I have 2 phone numbers. Home and cell (which is work, I guess). I have a bazzillion email addys.
Yo yo yo. Check it. I's gots two cells phones. Ones for my bitches, and ones for my bitches. Werd.
I have one phone number, my cell, not including fax line. It's my personal and work phone. Also have a bunch of emails, but regularly use 2.
I have the usual three phone numbers: office/cell/home.
Three email addresses: office/ and
Phone: home, work, cell. Well, kinda. Got a cellphone my dad wasnt using anymore, passed it on to A. Finally took my own, like, two months ago - thats about the stubbornest Ive ever resisted on buying into something. Course, within the two months after I did get one, it was stolen, so now I'm back at square 1.
Email ... work 1, work 2 (is fw:d), 3 that came with cable & dial-up, dont use 'em, 1 on care2, 1 on, 4 on yahoo.
I've been wanting to throw away my cell phone for some time now, but I keep finding it.
I don't have a fixed phone at home (only use ISDN for data), and I'm evading one at work.
I have been keeping my hotmail e-mail account on life support, for without it it'd died several times. I have an e-mail at work which I tend to avoid by : corrupting my personal folders, disconnecting the network cable, changing my IP address, worming our e-mail server, changing the version of my mail reader, accidentally setting up 'out of office' auto-reply, sending all messages to 'spam' folder by filters, marking all messages as 'read' and replying to all with a virus warning.
What gets through to me is not my boss, it's the screams at night..
Let's see...I have one home phone number a work number, a cell phone number, and four email for work (aol); one for personal(yahoo); one for very personal stuff (hotmail) :wink: and one I use to order things (so most of the spam goes to that address ).