Mon 6 May, 2013 11:15 pm
Top centre section Elementary particule(10) is this HIGHSCHOOL and if it is what is Shockingly Improper(5) where I now have H?TRE.This is a crossing word with 3rd H of Highsc(h)ool.philcottie
if only it were elementary particle then outre would go with higgs boson nm
i should do these ya think
Thanks laughoutloud makes sense now.philcottie
Thanks laughoutloud makes sense now.philcottie
Hi there. Im stuck on one, any help would be greatly appreciated
Poetic Works - POE?Y
(Lower right side)
thank you. I have never heard of poesy so would never have got it.
I have outré for shockingly improper.
can anyone tell me what "the open sea" clue is? I have ?a?n