I don't see anyone here expressing hatred. Whatever floats your boat, though.
When I was a kid I thought life's questions were automatically answered on growing up.
Setanta wrote:
They're not ? ! ? ! ?
It's worse than that -- when I was an adolescent I knew everything, certainly a lot more so than my parents. Now, at damn' close to 75, I'm not sure I know much of anything at all.
Reminds me of Sam Clemens saying that when he was 16, he knew his father to be the most ignorant man alive, but when he was 21 he was astonished to see how much the old boy had learned in five years.
The Boston Bombers were young and sure to have their way.
Angry young men (and, of late, women) arise in every generation, but in the past they expressed their youthful frustration and angst through wild fashions, hot music and fast methods of transportation.
Now, far too many of them see killing as cool and meaningful. The two Holy Grails of the young.
Many of us did entirely stupid things in our youth, and usually it was motivated by wanting to be cool and/or meaningful. It's natural.
Huge calories are going to be spent on determining why the younger brother did what he did, ignoring the fact that the older brother was, albeit swarthier, hardly an ancient.
It probably comes down to nothing more profound than a kid wanting to be noticed.
What a world we now live in when murder rather than leather jackets and long hair are the means to announce one's existence.