It's true that resorting to such exclamations can be taken as a lack of ability to word arguments well, but I don't agree with that much of the time. I take most swearing as related to letting out bubbles of frustration because one can. And once in a while swear words are really the only right answer to something.
I was raised in a relatively strict environment. I didn't know what **** meant (and I asked at least two friends) until I was eighteen or nineteen. I remember something called RF when I first went to university; I asked another premed type and he told me straightforwardly that it meant rat function. Liar, I learned later it meant rat ****. I was invited to and went to his wedding, at - of all places, in my point of view, Forest Lawn Cemetary. Not ghoulish, it was a wedding venue, but weird to me then.
Not all that long later I worked in laboratories, later sixties and seventies. All manner of higher ups swore blue streaks from time to time. It was an era of new freedoms of many kinds. Blasphemy was also prevalent, even though plenty of people subscribed to religion. That probably made it more fun for them.
Myself, I was usually on the temperate side of word usage, but the baddies would fly when I was around my cousin, who eschewed words like that as vulgar. They would just come out of my lips on their own, I guess to get her goat - but not on purpose. My brain did it.