Sorry, I don't know the laws of your state, though I lived there for four years, as a starving college student. I imagine the rules are similar to other states, that guns must be unloaded and in the trunk, separate from the ammunition, and that you must be either going to or returning from a hunting or shooting event.
There are some places you are not allowed to even drive through with a gun in the trunk. Like NY City. Stupid eh?
I have a friend who has a license to carry here in MA.
It's fun whenever we come upon a pond with geese on it.
Did you see Surviging Nugent on VH1? "Damn geese are in the pool again! You gotta get those geese outta the pool!".
I have a MA LTC. No real biggie.. *shrugs*
LTC? License to conceal??
License to Carry I bet. So do you fishin? You don't have to answer, but good for you.
I had to. It's kind of a weird setup. In most states you can own but you can't carry concealed unless you have a LTC/CCW. In MA you can't even own a handgun without one.
(LTC = License to Carry. Thanx Set.
