I got a flat today on 495. I had to drive a bit until I found what looked like a safe spot to pull over into the breakdown lane, and once parked, with flashers on, I didn't know what to do. I don't carry a cell phone, and I have no clue how to change a tire (and I'm too much of a "girl" to want to try). Yes, I
am aware that that's pathetic.
Anyway, I stood there by my car (terrified to stay inside) as vehicles sped past me doing 70+, and wasn't sure if I should try to flag somebody down or just wait for a good samaritan to stop. (Remember, we've already ascertained that I'm pathetic).

I was, quite frankly, hoping that someone would stop just because I was obviously in need of help, and female. As people sped by, I started to wonder exactly how hideous I must look! It was windy and my hair was flying all over the place, etc. I decided I should accept the fact that I am no longer drop-dead gorgeous and nobody would stop just based on my looks. (Let's not get into whether or not I ever
WAS drop-dead gorgeous, okay)? And to add insult to injury, my half-full cup of coffee blew over in the wind (it was on my roof) so not only do I have no coffee, I got coffee stains on my car!
So after like 10-15 minutes, an 18 wheeler pulls over (to adjust something on his truck, he said). I asked him if he had a phone I could use so I could call AAA (which I just got last month!) He asked what was wrong, and I'm not sure if he would offer to right it for me, so I said
"Don't worry, I'll have AAA handle it", not wanting to burden him. So I called AAA. While I was on the phone, a statie pulled over and offered her assistance, but now that I had a phone, it was all good. So the two of them left after I made my call, and I was left by myself waiting for the tow truck.
Wouldn't you know, after waiting what seemed an eternity for ANYONE to pull over the first time, once I had called AAA, people started pulling over every minute. Another cop, a pretty handsome guy who
said he was a cop, a MassHighways truck, and two other random men offered assistance. In addition, a car pulled up to ask me directions to the outlet mall! I thought
that was pretty humorous. At one point, there were 2 other vehicles pulled over with me, so I guess I'm not as hideous as I feared! Or maybe it's because I opened my trunk, so one could no longer see the "Anybody But Bush" poster displayed in my rear window, I don't know... So anyway, my tire was changed and I made my way home (to my other office, actually) and that was my misadventure for the day, but I thought I'd ask you guys (and by
guys I mean people!). Do you stop to help strangers on the side of the highway? What factors would have to be present to motivate you to stop? What do you suggest someone in the predicament I was in do, to attract attention, while still appearing "dignified"?

I am well aware of what happens when you get into cars with strange men (and by that I mean men) :wink: and also aware of accidents where people have been struck and killed while waiting beside highways. For my part, I'm getting a cell phone tomorrow!