Thu 14 Mar, 2013 10:33 pm
Hi Friends,
I see a lot of fans who believe they're "better" wrestling fans. Better because they've been watching longer, been to more shows, or have a more extensive collection rare international wrestling tapes. The point many of them try to make is that they're "smarter" than the kid with the replica spinner belt, or the Jeff Hardy arm bands. But does knowing more equate to enjoying it more, or in wrestling, is ignorance bliss? Does being a "smart fan" make you a better person than the casual WWE fan?
Thank You
Hulk Hogan
Pardner, I think some hobbies exist for the sole purpose of showing off some esoteric bit of knowledge that somebody might admire someone for knowing. I once listened to two birdwatchers arguing about whether they had just seen a common nutcase or a Canadian nutcase. It could have been a sparrow for all I knew or cared.
ANYBODY who'd ever spend more than five minutes watching professional wrestling needs to be spayed or neutered, the gene pool doesn't need him.
Sorta like posing as "Who is the greater Star Trek Fan"
Both are sad pathetic wastes of life force.
It must be important. Can't tell you how many tee shirts and front plates say "#1 Fan" of something or other.
I once saw a "CUBS #1 FAN"
Theres a life in the can eh?