It didn´t work!Had gotten home from a Christmas party at 06:00.Was woken up by my father calling to wish me a happy birthday at 12:00.The hangover started 24 hours later.I kept it at bay for as long as I could.
if you keep drinking, the hangover gets a delayed start, no?
Voila!!It worked on my birthday.
but, did the hang-over last longer after it did start?
Well,it wasn´t as violent as I´d expected.I was just shattered.
You never have those?
Lucky you!
Tomato juice is wonderful for hangovers!
Many years ago, I went to a block party the night before a family get together. It was hot, and I was thirsty, and the only thing there was white wine and beer. I went for the former, and the neighborhood men got much delight with filling my 8 oz glass MANY times. My husband left the party early. I arrived home about 2 AM. The, ah, messy (violent?) part came around 3 AM. My husband was totally disgusted with me, although I had never had a hangover before. At 10 AM we had to drive 4 hours to Long Island. I was still a mess when we arrived, and of course my entire family thought I was a drunk! But my stepDad, who has been know to enjoy liquor himself (an understatement) whispered in my ear that I needed tomato juice. That cured it! What a relief! I couldn't drink white wine for over a year, though.
IMO there are very, very few white wines worth drinking, unless they are sparkling.
I really like German Auslese and French Pouilly Fuisse, in the white wine category. California Muscato d'Oro is also very nice. At the party, I think they were serving Paul Masson Chablis, or something like that (out of gallon jugs, of course).
Wine goes with celebrating December birthdays, right?
Yeah Ginny, sure does! I am really digging white wines this year.
Wine, not exactly my cup-of-tea
I'm liking a bit of warming Brandy <blush> at this time of year, and red wine, and champagne.
Warming brandy and the aussie sun. Not a good combination
Rae, I saw this and thought of you:
Ick! Wine!
Thanks, Mom. Already printed that out and have it taped to my computer at work!
Congratulations on the 'upgrade', Wilso!