Sun 15 Dec, 2002 07:58 pm
Hahahaha! Wow, um, thanks, I think <heehee>
Happy Birthday Rae, Piffka and littlek. Looks like a wild party you're having there. I hope you don't have hangovers in the morning!
Happy Birthday to All here present! Cake, drinks, and presents galore!
thanks Chat and Misti - and of course Rae for starting the whole shin-dig.
<grin>, thanks Monger
Hey Rae - I don't think I ever told you how much I like your avatar. Tigger was a nick-name of mine as a kid.
I like Tigger, let's call you Tigger, okay?
Call Rae Tigger. "T, double g, er".
Ummm, are we supposed to bring birthday presents?
dyslexia has been added, folks!
Happy Birthday!!
A very happy birthday to you, dyslexia!!
"Their heads of made out of rubber
their bottoms are made outta springs....."
OMG! I don't know which L'k Avatar I like more!! :-)
My apologies, once again, to husker.....who has been added!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday to All! Make sure you share the presents, okay?
hahahaha, Husker, how could you have not seen this one?
ooooohhhh, thanks Bandylu! Share....uh yeah, sure <zoom>