Fri 19 Mar, 2004 08:36 am
I never know how to answer that...
no chance to do bad with an ear infection that aches like hell!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not many peolple really care when they ask that so I just give a simple, 'fine'.
If they really care and are interested, they can ask follow up questions after that.
I frequently answer: "absolutely miserable," or "fair to garbage"--either one brings the inquisitor up short, as they usually expect a stock answer such as "fine." Sometimes, i tell them that "i'm just peacy," or "finer than frog hair." I hate to submit to the mundane in trivial matters.
I remember a commercial a few years, okay so about twenty years ago, where, maybe it was thirty years ago, jesus!, anyway on the ad someone innocently asks another "How are you?" and the joke is the guy answers the question
[Whining ]
---- Well, I've been feeling a little logy lately, I don't know, maybe something I ate, I've been so off my feed though, I don't know what it could be..and so on.....
Meanwhile the questioner is trapped! Hoping for a gap in the litany of complaints where there is none, the look on his face is priceless.
Tag line
"Yah shudda taken Alka=Seltzer.!"
"Fine" is the popular response. However, seeing as most people don't actually care how you are doing, to tell them the truth can be exceptionally entertaining. One can even throw in a few lies like "Well, my wife has cancer and to console myself, I slept with your daughter, but I feel really bad about it. That's how I'm doing. How about you?"
When someone gives me the 'fine' answer, I sometimes respond with, 'Sure, that's what they all say'.
t'other day I sent a co-worker to the dictionary... he asked how I was doing and I said, in a cheerful voice, 'I am just superflous!'
cavfancier wrote:"Fine" is the popular response. However, seeing as most people don't actually care how you are doing, to tell them the truth can be exceptionally entertaining. One can even throw in a few lies like "Well, my wife has cancer and to console myself, I slept with your daughter, but I feel really bad about it. That's how I'm doing. How about you?"
Once you really tell them the truth, I'll bet they never ask again!
Heh heh, Miller, well, that is the point, isn't it? :cool: I am on the mend from an illness that will take time to recover from. All I know is that when I was really sick, I was inundated with phone calls daily asking how I was doing. It got to the point where I just wanted to say "Look, I see the specialist once a month, why don't you ask him next time I go?" I know they all mean well, but honestly, I had no answers, so the question became redundant.
To quote an old radio commercial:
All over the country in every direction
How ya How ya doin is the question
And here's what the hap hap happy people have to say
We're eatin our Wheaties and we're do do doin okay (Okay)
How come I'm suddenly picturing Joey Tribbiani?
Hey, how you doin'? :wink:
likewise jespah ....
i generally ask them if the really wanna know...
Wasn't there also a commercial set in a bar that went something like this: Each guy comes in and says "How ya doin'?" The answer being, "How you doin'?, multiplied by the growing number of guys bellied up at the bar. Then a tourist comes in and answers "Thanks for asking. Not so well. My plane was late. I missed the bus. The taxi....."

I am, however, so well it's scary. Thanks for asking. How are YOU doing?
I am doing.
Drawing breath, drawing a paycheck.
Doing pretty great! And you?
at the workplace sarcasm often creeps into my response, so i might toss out a "peachy" or "never been better"...
Old MacDonald had a farm, EOE EOE
Back to your slinky, hot avatar, i see . . . good choice, EOE . . .