@Fil Albuquerque,
Are you familiar with the term
evolutionary trap?
A friend of mine (
evolutionary biologist) specializes in the study of these. In basic terms:
Organisms which reproduce through hereditary mechanism tend toward the relative maxima in an optimization algorithm. "Natural selection" uses a short sighted algorithm, one which is quite powerful at looking at nearest possible solutions, then moving in the direction of more favorable states (so long as those states are very close).
The development of neurological mechanisms has allowed for ever more advanced algorithms to interact with environment on a faster pace (during gene expression), though of course still dependent on the "underlying" hereditary mechanisms (allele selection). The development of neurology depends on and influences the hereditary mechanism ("choosing" mates, "deciding" to cooperate, "recognizing" kin, etc.). Neurological mechanism in a limited sense allow the hereditary mechanism to search farther/deeper into the optimization computational space.
Development of "
theory of mind" by humans, other apes, cetaceans etc. provides an ability to empathize (imagine what it is to be an other). Mirror neurons seem to play a large role in this ability of an organism to have a
theory of mind. Empathy is a necessary but not sufficient ability for what most call "compassion". Empathy is simply a skill which highly cognitive organisms to interact optimally within a social structure. Once an organism has a very complex theory of mind, behavior becomes very complex indeed, leading to what one might call "morality".
Morality is simply the search for principles (primarily
axiology) on which to base more advanced
ethical systems (algorithms for behaviors).
Morality (social cognition emergence).
Cognition (genetic behavioral emergence).
Behavior (gene expression emergence).
Genetics (stability emergence).
Moralities primary task is deciding upon what we(
cognizant social beings) would consider preferable states of existence. There is no overarching "genetic" reason to assume that we should value merely "gene propogation". If we decide otherwise, this will not change our origins, it only changes our destination (chronologically).
We have every reason to assume that we are in an evolutionary trap. We are a huge genetic population, such populations are evolutionarily stable. The largest influence on our population behaviors in through communication of ideas, not some sort of kin-selection. There simply is not enough genetic difference between your daughter and a stranger on another continent, for such a selection to make much difference to drown out the influence that cultural information exchange has on human organisms.
Tribalism ("us" and "them") mechanisms in human theory of mind is simply maladaptive to the situation we now find ourselves in. Humans no longer live in isolated tribes. The reproductive genetic mixing has ensured that. Our "promiscuity" has ensured that. Tribalism (
for modern humans) is an evolutionary trap, because the situation it was adaptive for no longer exists (genetically we are all one tribe).
Using tribalism as a
theory of mind causes a "
self-fulfilling prophesy".
If you assume tribalism, "
others" will react in kind. Tit-for-tat.