I think human life expectancy is good. Our society is working toward productivity. I said many people feel it is valuable. These are all subjective things.
The objectively testable statements I made (life expectancy and productivity are increasing) I have stated as objective facts. The value judgements (people find them valuable) are subjective.
Whether human life expectancy is good is a matter of opinion.
I don't know what you mean by saying "Ethical tenets .... are testable". The phrase I have been using is "objectively testable". And I have pointed out before that once you accept some core values on faith, you can build logically testable system of values on top of them.
The admittedly simplistic definition of science I am going with (which has worked so far) is "objectively testable". This means that you can construct an experiment that shows your hypothesis is valid.
You suggested a telescope, a perfect example. There is no moral telescope.