Now you can sing along
Created by Frank Petersohn
(Phonetic, to be read as English)
1. Shteal_lay Nahcht! Hi_lee_gay Nahcht!
Ah_lays shlayft; ine_sahm wahcht
Noor dahs trou_tay hi_lee_gay Paar.
Hole_dare Knahb' eem low_kig_ten Haar,
|: Shlah_fay in him_lish_air Roo!
2. Shteal_lay Nahcht! Hi_lee_gay Nacht!
Goat_es Sown, oh we lahcht
Leeb' ows die_nem get_leech_en Moond,
Dah oons shlaygt dee rett_en_day Shtoond'.
|: Yay_soos in die_ner Gay_boort!
3. Shteal_lay Nahcht! Hi_lee_gay Nacht!
Dee dare Velt Hile gay_brahcht,
Ows days Him_els gol_day_nen Heyn,
Oons dare Gnah_den Fillay lesst sayn,
|: Yay_soom in Men_shen_gay_stalt!
4. Shteal_lay Nahcht! Hi_lee_gay Nacht!
Woe seech height all_eh Mahcht
Fay_ter_lee_cher Leebay air_goss,
Oond als Broodair hoold_fall oom_shloss
|: Yay_sus dee Felker dair Velt!
5. Shteal_lay Nahcht! Hi_lee_gay Nacht!
Lahng_ey schown oons bay_dahcht,
Ols dare Hair fom Grim_may bay_fright
In dare Fay_ter oor_grau_er tzite
|: Oller Velt Show_nung fair_hees!
6. Shteal_lay Nahcht! Hi_lee_gay Nacht!
Here_ten airst koond_gay_mahcht
Doorch dare Ayng_el Alleluja,
Taynt eys lout bay Fair_nay oond naw:
|: "Yay_sus dare Retter eest dah!"