Fri 12 Mar, 2004 02:38 am
What is this song? It sounds like a Roy Orbison style. It's slow, soft type of music. As posted in the question, "What a wicked thing to do, make me dream of you." "What a wicked thing to say, to make me feel this way." "Oh, I.....just want to fall in love, with you."
What is this song? I know everyone has probably heard it. Who is the artist? I think this one is excellent, but never did find out the name or artist.
Anyone know what song I am talking about? It has been around a few years. Help! I want this one....
It's The Wicked Game, By Chris Isak. Great song.
Thank you!!! I have asked so many people about this song. Everyone has heard it, but doesn't know anything about it, even the title!
Is all of the music by Chris Isak this good? This isn't my usual taste. I tend to go for rock. I find this song outstanding.
I only like the one song, so I'm not sure. has a 'preview' for about half the songs on any give record. Why don't you check that out, and if you like his stuff, you can buy it after sampling part of it.
He has/had a show on MTV (I think) each episode features at least two of his songs with a guest (usually).
I hate to say it, but WalMart's samples are better than Amazon's.
Thank you so much for answering that! I've wanted this song for YEARS! And no one could ever answer that question for me. I too thought it was Roy Orbison, but after looking through all of his songs and never found it, I gave up hope, thanks again!
I like that, too, but I'm partial to Chris Isaak's Forever Blue album...
Chris Isaak is Canada's national treasure and I'm addicted to his's so like what rock stars are the great white north..