What's it called
Often a respondent asks why I come here, suggesting why not go to a forum more directly concerned. For instance with
……why a2k, why not go directly to a forum dedicated to business
A very good q indeed. But the citizen simply can't spend his entire day scrolling Google to find the appropriate forum so he de[ends on a certain principle of viral marketing that states, inform six acquaintances each of whom informs six more, and eventually your message reaches its destination
…..and it seems to work. In forums such as this for instance I've complained bitterly about some of Mac's many editing problems, whereafter they were corrected at the very next rev
I'm hoping for instance at the next rev Mac's minions realize for instance that "de[ends" is a misspelling of "depends"
However I don't have much hope in this case owing to the particular savant-like character of the editing programmer. He's very good at programming but cannot read or write our language beyond a 2d-grade level and cannot touch-type; so spelling problems will persist perhaps for years to come
However with continued propagation of the masses through pop facilities such as a2k: Do tell six buddies
Incidentally does anyone by chance know what that principle is called