Was the Devil in the bible the true villain?

Sat 24 Nov, 2012 08:38 am
@reasoning logic,
The main problem is that the conditions for Euro membership were not strictly adhered to from the beginning. When this was first mooted, I spoke to a historian friend of mine, who said that Charlemagne had problems with a single currency across his empire, that the currency in the South started to be worth less than that in the North.
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Sat 24 Nov, 2012 09:00 am
@reasoning logic,
"Lucifer" in the OT was basically the planet Venus:


ISA 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

ISA 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

ISA 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

ISA 14:15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

ISA 14:16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake

ISA 14:17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof......

"Son of the morning" means morning star. "That destroyed the cities thereof" means "that destroyed the cities thereof".....

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Lustig Andrei
Sat 24 Nov, 2012 02:10 pm
Smileyrius wrote:
I am pretty sure that a devil such as pictured by christianity would not be able to tempt so many as a third of the angels of the heavens to join him in his rebellion. Based on his achievements, I imagine he is quite a charismatic leader, a great strategist and very good to his own.

I believe Mark Twain says somewhere in his writings (can't find the exact quote now) that if the Devil really does all the things imputed to him, it shows "remarkable executive ability."
Mon 26 Nov, 2012 06:48 am
Thank You For Share
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Mon 26 Nov, 2012 07:31 am
@Lustig Andrei,
A person who has for untold centuries maintained the imposing position of spiritual head of four-fifths of the human race, and political head of the whole of it, must be granted the possession of executive abilites of the loftiest order. In his large presence the other popes & politicians shrink to midgets for the microscope. He hasn't a single salaried helper; The Opposition employs a million.
- Mark Twain's notebook #42
Lustig Andrei
Mon 26 Nov, 2012 02:13 pm
Thank you for digging that up for me, timur.
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Lustig Andrei
Wed 28 Nov, 2012 01:34 pm
I agree that the devil is not an actual person as we understand the term. He is the personification of whatever is conceived as "evil."
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Mon 3 Dec, 2012 02:22 am
@reasoning logic,
I think Lustig has the best explaination of what the Devil is...Logic...according to what your question was...And what the Bible says...

It also says in the Bible...That he was named Lucifer, And was a very powerful angel...That lost his grace, When he refused to bow to human beings...took 1/3 of gods angels with him...

Now I am not sure where this other information comes from...As in either in the Bible, or From the Church etc...

But I have also heard, He is a fallen angel, and was most beautiful of all the saints as well...He is called the lightbearer...And is called the Son of perdition...Ruler of the Earth, And I am sure at some point it says he is The Lord of darkness...and his kingdom is Earth...And he rules the Earth...And Gods kingdom is not of this world...

I am not sure of what was origionally written like Lustig has said...But the Bible describes him as being a serpant...And a dragon like Lustig has said...And also says he is a beast...But not like any other

And the most cunning of all creatures...that were created...

But it is also important that when it says this...Gods calls a lot of his creatures he created as beasts...

My own opinions is that if there is a God, and evil or a Hell etc...

There is no devil figure who would be able to fight against God...But it is a metphor for evil and the knowledge of knowing right from wrong...

And your own conscious dark thinking itself...

I believe if there is a Hell, People will find out God is real by his revelation...And then people will be purged for the evil they have done...And have to close off every door and pathway they have created till they either reach God forever, or let their soul be in eternal peace...and chose to cease to exist....And your own purging gets worse and worse...Till you acknowledge you had done them, it was evil, and we were wrong...And shut every alternative pathway but being in peace itself off...Whether you have to fight the demons you create...And God helps you...Or you are purged either a little or a lot...Depending on who and what you are...

And is a combination of Buddhism, And all the Abrahamic theologies...

But I believe this can be done in one lifetime, and does not need rebirths...

But they could be possible...And an option as to how these doors are closed and full repentance is achieved...

And some people may just be granted into heaven without being purged in Hell...

But I am not sure how they would achieve full repentance in Gods eyes...

I believe that there is a Savior, or one who saves people and it is Jesus Christ...

But in the end, I do not believe a soul will be lost...As in suffering forever...

But I can be wrong about it all...As I have seen many different evil demonic creatures in visions and dreams...And have seen Satan as a 200 ft...Black dragon...

And a white Viper with yellow stripes on him...

As 2 of the many different things I have personally seen...him take the image of...

As well as a handsome man...but truly evil, cause you could feel it was the devil...And he would try to bribe you with things to worship him instead of suffering for God...

Such as endless money if you worshipped that over a god...When money does no good in an afterlife etc...

That is my opinion Logic...Thanks
Mon 3 Dec, 2012 12:28 pm
He is also called the Prince of Darkness...And Jesus is called the Prince of Peace...Lord of Darkness...But a Lord...Jesus is Lord...

Does anyone believe that it is possible that Lucifer or Satan, if an actual being is actually Jesus' brother? Who had a chance to be God or the savior, but f#cked up? And there is a fight between brothers? Like The Titan brothers mythology says? Or what Jesus is talking about in Revelations when he says brother against brother?
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Mon 3 Dec, 2012 01:39 pm
@reasoning logic,
I actually had a very very prophetic dream last night Logic...I am not gonna post it...As I do not think that it would be appropriate for a lot of others to hear...I do know you, and trust you mate...If you would like me to explain it...Just hit me up with a PM and I will tell you all about it...
reasoning logic
Mon 3 Dec, 2012 06:46 pm
I actually had a very very prophetic dream last night Logic...I am not gonna post it...As I do not think that it would be appropriate for a lot of others to hear...I do know you, and trust you mate...If you would like me to explain it...Just hit me up with a PM and I will tell you all about it...

Ryan you know that I value what you share and there will be others who do the same so if you have an interest in them knowing, it might be best if you post it here so that it might be brought to their attention through a search engine in the future but regardless, if you do not want to share it with the world send it to me as a pm and I will read it. Very Happy
Tue 4 Dec, 2012 12:22 am
@reasoning logic,
And I respect your views mate...As you know that I do...But I have decided to not talk about it at this point...But I will explain to you why...And what it was at another time...I am sorry, that I have asked you, and then changed my mind...I think made a mistake...But it has to do with me, and no one else...

Something made me think that I do not wish to talk about my dreams for a little while...But I will tell you in a pm why...
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