I just remembered the name of the test the cardiologist gave me that clarified it was the lisinopril that did me in: it's called the Tilt Test. First you take the pill, and then...
Yes, I fainted in the Tilt Test, after standing up nice and straight and not worried. They protect you, though I don't quite remember the scene, secure but not obtrusive. I remember waking up after fainting.. but not the details.
In fact Oss I found an add. in my Email listin' that soundds an awful lot like it might be her. So I posted:
Andy, I just noted your add.'s' there in my Email listin', but you gott forgive an old fella w/ Alzie's on the brain. Are you Yennik, our fam doc ????
# 6,501,766
Bob; It's Tue when I talk too much, too loud, too oft, says my BH, who is I'm sure you'll agree much smarter than me. Agin, pse lemme know if I'm 'verl'd'in' ur Inbox