Thu 15 Nov, 2012 11:37 am
All light sources other than candles and incandescent bulbs will be banned.
No teh gheys.
No breastfeeding in public.
No furrin cars. In fact, no cars; real men drive trucks.
No condoms, birth control pills, or abortions. And once the kid is born, it's on its own.
Traffic lights will be eliminated; right of way to be determined by largest openly-displayed firearm.
No science curriculum; science leads to thinking, and thinking leads to libruls.
New Constitutional Amendment requires that every vehicle, even ambulances, be equipped with truck nuts.
I... I want to start a petition on for this.
The right of way at four way stop signs is determined by whoever is going the fastest.
The national bird would be the rifle.
The national flower would be the concealed automatic handgun.
The national drink would be Coors or liquid meth.
The national anthem will be a quintet of shotguns firing for 10 straight minutes.
Their biggest national holiday would be "Lynch a Disabled Colored Jewboy Fa*g*t Day."
I should add that a few years ago, Texas cut funding to Planned Parenthood to the tune of $70 million or so, and now we're facing about $270 million or so in additional Medicaid charges due to all of those babies that otherwise would have been prevented.