DAVID wrote:U shud be able to say anything u want politely with DIPLOMACY
hawkeye10 wrote:how many of the words that I used should be illegal
and removed from the dictionary in your view?
1. Specificly it is "****"
not because I advocate celebacy,
but because it is perceived as being a brutal way of speaking,
or churlish. It can be compared to verbally hitting below the belt.
If u do it, u thereby
DISGRACE yourself, regardless of the merit of your message.
Have u gotten this far in life, that your mother
still has not explained that to u??
Did anyone explain that to your own children??
Everyone needs to be aware of that, in a civilized society.
If u came onto
MY property and misconducted yourself
with the same rudeness, your presence woud
not be tolerated.
YOUR restaurant, how do u respond
when the customers tell u to go **** yourself???? Please inform.
Note that the penalty for the illegality that u mentioned
OSTRACISM. In the real world, I have turned my back
on people who have been too crude for my willingness to put up with it.
That applies in cyberspace too.
DAVID wrote:A guest never addresses his host with such insolence
hawkeye10 wrote:yes, i am sure that you are correct that I should better mind my station.
In my opinion, all that is required of u
is that u
BE DIPLOMATIC regarding whatever your point of vu is.
U oughta be able to handle that.
Stop trying to wreck the place.
Hawkeye, from years of your posts,
I 'm pretty sure that u r not stupid,
but u choose to
FAKE it, acting as if u
were stupid
by your pernicious choices of words.
As of October of 2012, I sense that the fires of resentment
against u have
subsided (since your last misadventure
when u almost drove away some popular people who we
by your personal insolence). I suspect that large numbers of A2Kers
not expel u from their cognition, if u just be
As I see it: the forthcoming new SUPER-Ignore function is like a
( I seem to remember Spock having something on his wall, in an alternate universe. . . )
There is an old saying:
ARMED society is a
POLITE society."
ELSE! . . . (that applies to all of us)