Especially to an idiot, because that group includes me!

dyslexia: I know it's difficult but ignorance is not bliss for these people and they have a right to sink into oblivion with all the Medievalists who still roam the Earth and you should just ignore him. If you catch him vandalizing, that's another story. Prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law.
People say I'm just a mean person for wanting firing squads on street corners. Then I think of stories like this and it just fuels the fire for my campaign.
Death to the idiots!
walk softly - but carry a big stick.
if this guy is nuts.......well, like someone said, you do NOT want to become part of his delusional system....
I've got a whole box full of those little fish. I go to church on Sundays not to worship, but to pop those off the back of peoples cars. You want one to replace your Darwin fish?
The deer rifle is a bad idea. All he has to do is get in your face and you can't shoot. I'd suggest a Lady Smith & Wesson instead. The 3" barrel is only good for about a 10' shot anyway.
WOW!!! What a nut bag. I would personally have just told him to get the fu** of my property and if he came back I'd have him arrested.
But Phoenix, this guy is a holy roller, he wouldn't hit you with a .357, he'd hit you with a sermon - or, maybe they are both the same - hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Before anyone goes playing with firearms you had better know what the laws are in your area. Sitting in a lawn chair with a rifle beside you meets the definition for "Menacing" in CO if not 3rd degree Assult. Both are felony charges and not a recommended way to go.
no true fishn', in colorado tis legal to carry loaded/unloaded non-concealed firearm anywhere except in the city of Denver
LOL Phoenix. You may be right, but I tend to agree with BillW on this one. The guy is obviously a religious nut so I don't think the man would get violent in any way. You never know though. I just can't picture myself sitting there on my own property letting someone mouth off to me like that without saying something. If the man scared me, I would have just gone inside and called the police who would have at least came down and given the man a warning which is probably all he needs. Either way, I wouldn't tolerate that.
You're absolutely right. Any threat with a weapon of any kind can put you in deep you know what. The laws are different in ever state, but it's not a chance I'd be willing to take.
Eh, religious nuts get violent all the time.
I'd call the cops and stop monkeying around.
It may be legal to carry one but how it's carried and displayed can make it a crime.
From your state's statutes:
18-3-206. Menacing.
(1) A person commits the crime of menacing if, by any threat or physical action, he or she knowingly places or attempts to place another person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury. Menacing is a class 3 misdemeanor, but, it is a class 5 felony if committed:
(a) By the use of a deadly weapon or any article used or fashioned in a manner to cause a person to reasonably believe that the article is a deadly weapon; or
(b) By the person representing verbally or otherwise that he or she is armed with a deadly weapon.
If you flash (or simply display) a firearm and your neighbor "Fears for his life/well being" the local DA already has a pretty good case against you.. They may very well know your neighbor and leave you alone but you are taking the risk.
I still don't think that would be the way to handle it. It would promote an indirect threat with a weapon which is never a good thing. I would call the police department so you can get the best advice on how to deal with the fruitloop.
Best of luck to you.
I didn't know that. I agree that the police should be notified.
Since your initial reaction was without a doube the absolutely best way to handle the situation, he probably won't be back. I mean, why would he? There was no debate or even an opportunity for him to engage you. I doubt he'll return.
Still, contacting the police is definitely in order.
dyslexia has already said the guy has made himself and his actions known more than once - it isn't a singular action. For someone to walk by my house they have to be lost, trespassing and definitely in the wrong and they would know it! I live in the country, 200 yards off the road with no visible house even near. If I just went into the house it would be a suggestion for continuation - I suggest you buy the property next to me!