Ephesians 1:18 KJV
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened...
Comment: Do we also have eyes within our minds?
Revelation 4:6 KJV
And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
Comment: Full of eyes?
The Ipod, Iphone, Ipad...
The ancients speak of enlightenment and the eyes of the mind. What is the source of enlightenment? Are we not collectively the eyes of the earth?
Does enlightenment come from a deep inner spiritual presence or an external collectivism?
The intention of this thread is to discuss and bring to light how technology has either fulfilled or changed the dreams of the ancients.
How have computers and machines shaped our understanding? Are the eyes of the soul fed through spirituality or through technology?
Technology has expanded our interconnectedness exponentially. Could the book of revelation and the Bible actually be talking about this time we live in now or does this time now somehow disprove the whole biblical premise of spirituality being our guide?
And what of artificial intelligence? Will microchip brains someday surpass our own ability to reason and invent? What spirituality will microchips need to compute and think? Can computer logic love?
The Bible has put forward so many clearly unbelievable things, like, demons being the cause of health problems etc... Is spirituality not just another fanciful means of explaining 'understanding' and what was unknown to the writers of the Bible?
Do we have eyes in our mind, windows in our hearts or do we exist by the collective brains wired together by WiFi, satellites and remote control?