Fri 27 Feb, 2004 12:01 pm
I have heard about Chinese Water torture, and bamboo shoots underneath fingernails, but I also heard somewhere that sleep deprivation is the worst torture of all. I don't see how that could be, but there it is. Also, what exactly is the Chinese water torture? Drops of water slowly dripped on someone for an extended period of time? Is that it? How bad could that be?
Probably being a passenger in a car driven by a female, while RuPaul's cd plays over and over and over and over...
Kickycan, rocks are worn away by water dripping, dripping, dripping over a long period of time. I can easily imagine that the first li'l bit of the "torture" wouldn't be bad, but that it would get progressively more tortuous the longer it went...
Extensive sensory deprivation. It takes a while but can drive the person mad without harming their health (if done properly).
putting me in the same room as someone who is clipping their nails.
Something involving the mutilation of the genitals every day, this being the only gap from confinement in a windowless room, for the rest of a life.
Shoes two sizes too small. Ouch.
That is very annoying, eoe!
Shoes built around your foot three sizes too small, that you can never get out of, would be really awful.
That's what Richard Pryor said twenty years ago. Don't remember the joke but the idea stayed with me.
Craven de Kere wrote:Extensive sensory deprivation. It takes a while but can drive the person mad without harming their health (if done properly).
You know from personal experience do you?
No, I tried it a few times years ago but never to the level of torture. When I did it it was for the purpose of enjoying LSD. It only becomes torture when you can't decide when to end it.
The degree of sofistication in equipment for true sensory deprivation is beyond the materials, time and money I had available to me.
So I settled for sensory reduction.
I can't believe I'm gonna answer this because I have no clue if this is classified or not but I don't think so since it isn't exactly taught just common knowelege, chained to a chair with your legs pulled back so far your hips are on the brink of dislocation, a metal rod inserted in the rectum attached to a high voltage currant....theres also what they call the call shock.
their are variations of Chinese water torture read
sleep deprevation makes ppl agitated and want to extended use it makes them dulusional.
In answer to your initial question kickycan, I don't believe there is a torture that is
the worst. (Although Slappy's comes close!
I am not only amazed but disturbed by the number of methods that human beings have devised to inflict pain on one another.
Wow. If someone put me in a room and played Barney and Sesame Street over and over, I'd probably break into a compulsive masturbation fit.
I would say watching your body slowly degrade over 80 or so years -- your hair and teeth fall out, your bones turn brittle while your memory gets worse and people ignore you since you stop making sense and you can't even dress yourself, all the while knowing that none of this matters since it all leads to inevitable death.
What worse torture could you possibly imagine?
You have no clue how bad some methods are untill you have been subjected to them believe me.