Wed 11 Dec, 2002 08:40 pm
Last time I logged on to the 'net, Yahoo mail wouldn't respond to my password. Not only that, a2k was haywire. Every time I tried to load a page, it would open without closing the previous page. At one time I had six pages cascading across the monitor. Finally, I disconnected and shut down the computer, and restarted everything. Now, it's all working normally. Any speculations, or is this just one of those things?
I just re-logged after running on idle for at least 8hrs. My yahoo-mail and a2k always run at the same time and I had no problems whatsoever logging in again....
bigdice --was that multiple posting intentional?
I've been having problems here tonight, too, Roger. I couldn't get in for one 15 minute period and I had the same problem with multiple pages open. I also couldn't get in last night for a while. In both cases, I left to surf elsewhere for what I thought would be a brief minute and couldn't get back here (and I left because everything here was moving in very slow motion and I thought maybe if I left and came back it would speed up). Just got back in now and it seems okay again.
OkOkOk, so I did have some problems... I deleted 4 consecutive posts, all with the same message!!! It also took me a while to see this
I know I've been out drinking, but this is ridicilous
I just had to shut down and restart as well, froze right up on me here.
I thought that the pages were loading kinda slowly, so I defragged my computer. That speeded things up.
What I HAVE been noticing is a plethora of double and triple postings. That happens when a member clicks, "submit", nothing seems to be happening, and then clicks again.
It happened to me a couple of times tonight. Once a quadruple post (I have absolutely no patience). Just a little while ago, I got an error message, but the post went through a few moments later.
So chalk up any craziness as problems at the server. Seems O.K. now. If it continues, I will look into it!
See! It's not just me! Maybe we're having some solar flare ups?
I would think more in terms of attributing it to Jaysus, Mary and Joseph.....
I'm also glad it's not just me.
I was having similar problems too Rog even with my MS Outlook mail.
That occured to me, Phoenix, but geez, I just defragged and did a thourough scan disk over the weekend.
Oh, I learned a cool new trick on ABUZZ, of all places. You can go to Tools on the browser and select Internet Options. Advanced, and then check "Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed." It's under the Security heading by the way. Now, isn't this a cute option? The box is unchecked by default.
I've been having problems as well. I wonder what's going on with that. Tonight my computer keeps freezing up on me.
Same here. Seems to be an epidemic.