cyranocoz hoeny, u can b very limited and obsessed by showing it when u see all is such but qdmeme there are limits to that
how can u know anything about nothing ?? how r u insisting to get an answer there
wat is ur question again? why satan turn against his maker?? oohh no mai atten i suggest u to put ur powder in ur ass u gonna see better im sure there
how dare u deny the true character of intelligence to claim that artificial intelligence exist???
what is true shitty, is beyond all absolutes so it cant ever include the elast negation to its fact, how that could b existing then?? simply bc for now only **** exist, those tat u know as being, that take advantage from knowing being of truth effects while believing more that truth is weak since noone which is ur essence free will meaning to take advantage of that weakness in pretending being someone as true thing that could b played
truth is noone yes sure, but guess wat truth is freedom so show me how u r gonna reach anyone shitty
only truth exist bc it can b real as free superiority so making reality of all freedom, **** u **** u u dont know how much u gonna get fucked at the end forever