Mon 27 Aug, 2012 02:06 pm
Hi, I just came here in United states but I am a registered nurse in one of the states here. I am desperately looking for a job but everytime they would ask about my experience, I am always turned down because all my experienceS were outside U.S. I am feeling depressed now 'cause feels like there's no chance for me in here. I would be glad to read your tips on where I should start. thanks!
Don't worry about this situation .Just collect your job experience letter your home country where your job and then submit your job experience letter with your job resume.
other joing any small job to get job experience letter and then apply.
I agree with the last comment. Also, if you are still looking for a job, you might want to do volunteer nursing. This will help you gain experience on US soil, which you can also put into your resume.