Oh I am not telling people where to live. On the contrary, I hope liberals all move to the New York coast, the California Coast, and the very bottom of Texas and the Mississippi River. I hope leftist move onto the sides of active volcano, or on the great fault in California. Then eventually giant Tsunami, huge floods, massive Hurricanes, and Catastrophic predictable volcanic eruptions will occur, hopefully before election day. Live anywhere you want, but lets allow insurance companies to vary rates according to risk, and lets privatize flood insurance, so its cost will be realistic and not just pork fat for dummies. Live right on the bank or the Mississippi, on a levee if you want. Good luck with that. I am reminded of rock climbers demanding a speedy $20,000 dollar rescue, because they wanted some cheap thrills. You are correct that I believe the government is far too large, and getting larger due to a socialist infestation. I think the cockroaches came into the white house on some crates of veggies.