Sat 14 Jul, 2012 01:18 pm
Maybe I'm dong something wrong, but whenever you conduct a search from a listing of some sort (eg, say a file list in uSoft Word), after reference to the pertinent doc when you exit the window not only doesn't it return you to the list but it even shuts down the browser or app you happen to have been using so you then have to recover it, reselect the listing, then remember exactly where you were and if necessary scroll back to it
I note also similarly if you happened to be have been using Mail at the time (eg writing a message), you won't be returned to the message you were composing. Of course you can recover it by clicking on "Window," then select the one you were using, but that's an awful nuisance
Am I expecting too much of the Digital World
Mom says I am, "Well that's just the way it works." But this is supposed to be the 21st century, you'd expect a more logical approach from its programmers
If I'm not making sense forgive an old man
And forgive me if my PC vocabulary is somewhat limited
I would run a virus scan if that keeps up.... You have it fixed right?.
Mom saying that whenever or whichever colloquial meaning you mean.. means zero fella, the programming cannot cause that nominally, check updates, spyware, windows version adequacy and all the usual.. you clearly knew this on another day, happens to me, just dropping things, but you gotta check.. Maybe since fixed.. But there you go... thought I would prompt you on it.
Quote:You have it fixed right?.
Nah thanks Dav but consensus has it, that I just expect too much. The behavior I describe is apparently absolutely "normal"
I would get a different program/s.. You do realise this is 2013?..
That is the second millennium after christ, BTW.
Quote:I would get a different program/s..
Some suggest I go back to Windows. However most of my gripes concern editing, where any improvement would be minimal
Quote:You do realise this is 2013?..
That's what I keep asking Bill and Mac: Why can't those features of an operating system important to the writer keep pace with the rest of the digital world
Quote:That is the second millennium after christ, BTW.
That's what I say, Christ what a millennium