US is the worlds largest corn (maize) producer at about 250 million metric tons on an average year. China comes in second and theres not much room for them to maneuver because theirs is mostly spoken for internally in feed and plastics.
I see that worst case scenarios for corn shortfall is to expect the drought to get deeper , with sigma losses projected as high as 25 or even 30% . That could be as high as 75 million tons shortfall. We will need to keep the food and feed stream un diverted.
ANYONE who wishes to make "gasohol" at this time, should be shot.
In the last week my own feed bill has risen another25bucks a ton for my oats and corn sheep feed mixes . I use about 10 T a month during pasture season and 20 T in the winter. I will be cutting back my herd if the corn goes up any more
Without better climate models to predict jet stream motions at .60 days out, we will be missing on long term forecasts
Brazil and ARgentina and Canada could have increased production and (Ill bet) next year they will but you cant do accurate long range forecatsing . Beyond 30 dayforecats, its astrology.