our loss is Sidney's gain.
Mac on her elephant (with her chosen masque)
i have gone mardi gras crazy i think
That elephant has another set of toes for our AWOL pedicurist.
You need a large dose of Carnival and an extra helping of frivolity. Hold your dominion.
you don't think i've got enough frivolity Noddy dear?
No one with a man, a house, two kids and a full-time outside job has enough time for frivolity.
I would say that you are soo right Noddy. Now...
Frivolity is SO underrated! Thanks to all of you for putting more of it into my life.
I'm still searching for the perfect costume.
Would you fancy something slightly naughty with a multitude of shimmering streamers? A sort of Goddess of the Winds to make a difference from all the Eva on the Half Shell humdrum world?
Oh, Noddy. You know me so well! Yes, yes, a toga with lots of shimmering ribbons would be just the thing..."elegant, yet garish & gaudy," just as onyxelle suggested. And of course it must be slightly naughty. This is Mardi Gras, after all.
I have diminished as a parade fan from my childhood when I saw the Easter parade (or was it St. Patrick's Day?) in NY and was so happy to sit by the side of the street as the Wildcats paraded in Evanston...
I basically lost it at the Rose Parade, an entire lifetime of boredom for me (sorry, folks), but happen now to live on the route of our local Truck Parade and Rhododendron parade. Uh, those are two separate parades. My immediate neighbor has a big party with charmingly mild Ramos' Fizzes for the Rhody parade, which will be happening soon. Might bring pictures to a2k, and enter a vicarious float to the mardi gras...
All entries welcome. I've always felt that the magenta rhododendrons had potential for vulgarity. Could you work with the theme, "The Merry Month of May"?
Yes, magenta rhodies would be good, possibly some 36" boxed trees underplanted with George Taber azaleas. These will outline the edge of the flatbed; in the center I'll need a good looking fountain, and speakers at each corner playing Fountains of Rome. I'll take the very comfortable garden chair set on a little stage on one side of the fountain and Pacco can have the other. His plaid dog bed will have to be recovered, hmmm, maybe in navy blue with big fat gold tassles.
This doesn't sound very New Orleans-y, does it. Well, a carnival by any other place would still be sweet..
We are women of the world, not limited to New Orleans standards.
I think I'm going to have to close off the view from the sidewalk of the plastic pots with all those 15 gallon azaleas, so I'll have do do a really nice wrought iron lacy short fence, with white plexiglass behind it to screen off the pots. Maybe they won't all be azaleas, maybe I'll tuck in some long trailing asparagus ferns, perhaps a little needlepoint ivy winding around the wrought iron lace from either end....
You won't have room for a peacock--how about a few hummingbirds?
Peacock, well, gee, a male one might have a problem with the pacco. But, hummingbirds, yessiree, they'd be nice, perhaps a hummingbird selection, with some of those nifty expensive hanging feeders. Though some just for hummer plants would be nice... adding some shelves...
Wow, nice elephant Onyx!

Is that me behind that mask? If I can't tell, then it's perfect!
Tomorrow's the big day...
I wont go to sydney !! Why should I leave two gorgeous ladies for a bunch of half nude, muscle marys ??