You have asked this question here on this site around 5 times. Starting a few months ago.
This time you posted it several times again. It's being moved because this is not a forum help request for this forum. The forum help board is for help requests about this site.
As to your question, there are't that many free sites out there for this that are fully functional.
You can find a listing of all these sites here:
Other than that please consider this question answered. You do not need to come by every few months and post this question multiple times. You have the Dmoz category for this kind of site now. Asking multiple times won't really help because there is really a dearth of free sites of this variety that cover wide ranges of topics.
It's a hard business model to be profitable on. So you'll find more that charge money or they will be restricted to specific topic (e.g. technical, web design...).