Fri 27 Apr, 2012 03:02 pm
So, I get an E-mail from our office manager/COO that they are ordering shirts with the company logo, and we can buy them at the following prices, yadda yadda.
Then I look at the prices, and the shirts, and I'm left scratching my head.
$30 for a polo/golf shirt?
$50 for a dress shirt?
(And that's after the company subsidizes about a fourth of the price.)
Why should I shell out that kind of money, when I can buy a regular shirt at the same or lower price, and be able to wear it places other than work?
If they want me to advertise for the company, they should buy the shirts themselves, IMO, and maybe charge me if they have to be replaced too frequently.
Yeah, uniforms are a racket.
One of the people for whom i worked as a business manager ordered polo-type shirts for us with the company logo. He then gave them to us, no charge. He also then set up a dress code, and set farily high standards (for installation/service technicians). I agree completely with Soz, it's a racket. I also agree that if they want you to advertise for them, they shouldn't be trying to soak you for them.
It's not a uniform,
per se. The purchase is entirely optional.
I just fail to see why anyone would feel compelled to make the purchase.
I buy a (likely) sub-standard product, with a limited use, when I can buy a fully-functional product of my own choosing at the same price point?
I see. I thought this was one of those "optional" things that are actually "and you damn well will if you value your job."
To your latest question... not a clue! Maybe if you're like really really enthused about your company? Or want to impress the boss?
90% of these kinds of shirts arent really high quality and asking you to shell out for sponsoring your company is kinda cheap IMHO. I used to buy shirts and beanies with outcompany names that wed use for the Doo Da parade in Calif and I had my division pay for it all. The first year I paid for em and after that the company felt cheaped out so they covered all the doo dah shirts till I left the company.
we did 20 to 30 shirts and beanies with propellers and they were about 25 bucks each. When you guys are making profits fopr your company they shouldnt try to squeeze more from you because they (the company) are expensing these shirts anyway. (Thats a dollar forr dollar tax bennie rather than a pure deduction)
FM's right about the write-off. When i was discussing this with the Boss, he had originally wanted to charge the employees cost. We went back and forth on it, but i convinced him and he convinced himself that it was an investment. In our industry, about the only advertising, the best advertising, was word of mouth. He had spent 15 years building the company's reputation. We had some important customers--the Ohio State University, The Limited, a half dozen large hospitals, some off the county (we didn't have the sevice contract, or the main installation contract, but i know they weren't happy with the people they had then), the city police department and several other city departments. Our image was important. So that was when he asked what more he could get out of it, and i suggested a dress code. He decided on clean jeans, or work slacks, and clean work boots or low quarters. From my experience, it only served to enhance the company's image and reputation. Several of our company contacts with the customers commented favorably, so the Boss decided to absorb then entire cost (we had told the boys we'd take it out of their pay the following month, and then were able to tell them no charge). We purchased from Cabellas, and they were very good quality. The order we finally placed cost us $13.00 (actually a few pennies less) per shirt--i just cannot imagine the prices you quoted. I consider that whoever came up with this for your company, DD, is an idiot.
DrewDad wrote:
ooo....oooo.....ooooo....I know!
Because they are very popular with people who have drunk the kool aid.
my former boss (ok, she didn't have to pay for them, but I'm positive she would have) seemed to love love love collecting any god-awful shirt, polo, t-shirt, hoodie, jacket that had either our company name, or some sappy catch phrase some idiot in market decided to promote for the company.
I'll bet she collected over 30 of them.
They live among us.
Why would anyone do this?
Linkat wrote:
Why would anyone do this?
ooo oooo oooo!
I know this!
um, it's because, um...
Seriously, is that real or photo-shopped?
ok, at least the cat is.
I think they took a picture of a dog and added in all the other stuff.
Because some people are idiots.